Splitting and Merging Fleets

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Splitting Fleets

To split a fleet, click on the Split button or the Split All button in the Fleet Composition tile. If you choose Split, the Ship Transfer dialog opens, allowing you to transfer any number of ships between the fleet under command and the fleet selected in the Other Fleets Here tile. If you choose Split All, all the ships in the fleet will divide into separate fleets based on ship design. You can also click on the Merge button in the Other Fleets Here tile to open the Ship Transfer dialog.

♦        The Split and Split All buttons are disabled when you reach 500 fleets.

♦        The Split All button will fail if it the result will be more than 500 fleets.

Merging Fleets

To merge entire fleets with others, click on the Merge button in the Fleet Composition tile. This opens the Merge Fleets dialog, which allows you to merge any combination of fleets at the same location.

You can also merge fleets using the Merge with Fleet waypoint task.

If you would like to transfer some but not all ships between the fleet under command and a selected fleet at the same location, click on the Merge button on the Other Fleets Here tile.